Interested in what we have done before?
Here are some examples of what we have completed.
Float Spa 19
Website Design | Advertisements
Float Spa 19 is a spa located in Salt Lake City. They focus on utilizing their floatation tanks to heal their clients. They approached us at MK to help with their grand opening. We launched a website, social media campaigns and a point-of-sale system in time to get them up and running.
Float Spa 19 website
float spa 19 ad
EastWest Spa
Print | Spa Menu
EastWest Spa is run by a wonderful massage therapist who truly cares for her clients. It was a pleasure to work with her and her spa menu.
EastWest Spa Menu
Serene Ame
Website Design
Serene Ame is a clinic in Salt Lake City that helps their clients with balancing their mind, body and spirit. We designed and launched their websites.
Serene Ame Website
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